Saturday 16 April 2016

night sketch - blue jays - saturday night reflection

Just playing around with some sketches. It's great to loosen up the hands and doing sketches that aren't perfect and having fun. I went to a schoolism workshop in march 2015, I absolutely loved it, and one of the presenters had a really good point, don't just fill up one sketchbook a year, fill up several. Keep drawing, keep at it, sketch everything and anything, gives you experience and you develop more as an artist. Nothing needs to be perfect.

I wish, looking back at my highschool years, I was told this, instead I listened to an artist who was my best friend at the time tell me I wasn't very good (I thought he was extremely talented and so did he). This made me nervous to sketch and come up with ideas. I wanted to be perfect at it. I wouldn't show work until I thought it was done, people would look at my work and I would feel panic sink in, were they judging me. It made me nervous and hurt me from developing my own style, or progressing in the art field for so long. Never let anyone tell you you aren't good. I use Leonardo daVinci as a reminder of that, I absolutely love seeing the sketches and thought process he has in his sketch books, he was constantly learning. If you read about him you'll discover that he had many flaws, many areas that he got wrong or was continuing to work out. So many artists show only finished pieces that we think of them as better then us, or unachievable. We never see what is behind the scenes. From doodles, notes, to the blank page (or riped up page) and the artist walking away, and eventually to that eureka moment where you zone out and become so engrossed in your work that you look back at and said how did I create this?

To all of us out there, don't judge others, inspire others, encourage growth, encourage failure, since many failures can lead to something great, lead to something that we never thought was possible.

Friday 15 April 2016

Mike Wazowski - pregnancy humour

yup, we have a sense of humour in this household, how my boyfriend currently sees me. I'm 40.5 weeks and pregnant and apparently look like Mike from Monsters Inc. Quick sketch in photoshop.

watercolour week, swan, chipmunk, owl jump

Pulled out my watercolours yesterday and today after being inspired by the swans and chipmunks in the Port Credit area, coming out to enjoy the warm weather. The owl about to jump is from a children's story I am came up with, trying to flush out the story more and think further about the artwork.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

rose bubbles

trying to get myself to do a digital painting once a week. I really want to improve in this area. Always struggled to paint digitally what I can paint on canvas, getting texture or the right brush stroke is tricky, mind you the undo key and not having to wait for paint to dry is always nice.

I read a book to my son last night that inspired this painting.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Gwen Stefani - make me like you

I have been playing around with some prismacolour pencils, haven't quite got the hang of them as a new medium, but enjoyed the meditative quality of colouring. Love Gwens new songs